Gym Fees Soon to be Exempt from Sales Tax

The new law applies to gyms, fitness centers, fitness studios, high intensity interval training, cross training, ballet barre, pilates, yoga, spin classes, and aerobics classes. In a previous post, we noted that in June 2018 the Tennessee Department of Revenue issued...

Are Gym Fees Subject to Sales Tax in Tennessee?

Yes. See Tennessee Department of Revenue Notice #18-09 (June 2018): … dues or fees paid to health clubs or other facilities featuring exercise or other active physical fitness conditioning are subject to sales tax, unless a specific exemption applies. This...

Changes to F&E Tax are Taxpayer-Friendly

The Tennessee legislature recently passed, and the Governor has signed, new taxpayer-friendly amendments to the Tennessee Franchise and Excise tax statutes. The changes are effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017. New Way to Make Quarterly...