Edit Estate Tax Exemption (“Basic Exclusion Amount”) $11,580,000 Applicable Credit Amount $4,577,800 Generation-Skipping Transfer (GST) Tax Exemption $11,580,000 Gift Tax Annual Exclusion $15,000 Taxable Income Threshold at which Highest Rate Applies for...

2019 Estate & Gift Tax Exemptions

Estate Tax Exemption ("Basic Exclusion Amount")$11,400,000 Applicable Credit Amount$4,505,800 Generation-Skipping Transfer (GST) Tax Exemption$11,400,000 Gift Tax Annual Exclusion$15,000 Taxable Income Threshold at which Highest Rate Applies for Trusts/Estates$12,750...

Estate Tax under the Tax Bill

If the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passes, the number of estates subject to the death tax is about to get even smaller, at least temporarily. Generally speaking, the Basic Exclusion Amount is the aggregate amount a taxpayer may transfer, during life and/or at death, to...